현재 페이지 경로

국가유산 지정예고

트위터 페이스북 구글
Huge mistake being made
Graham Spence

I think a huge mistake is being made in the selection of the National Treasure for Seungmu right now by the Korean Government. If the role of the National Treasure is to preserve and promote Seungmu, then it is obvious you would select someone who has demonstrated this in the past.

When I, or in fact any company, hires someone I look at their history so I can tell if they will fulfill their role. And looking at the track record of the current nominated person and Master Kim, I would be negligent in my job is I didn’t select Master Kim. In fact my boss would probably fire me for making such an ill informed decision.

So I would ask the government to rethink the decision, and at a minimum be transparent about their decision. Show us WHY you think Master Kim in not qualified, and I don’t mean some stupid excuse you pluck from thin air (I.e. ...she performs overseas...).

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