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국가유산 지정예고

트위터 페이스북 구글
Why not select Master Kim?
Lena Smith

I do not understand why the Korean government has not selected Master Kim for this position? She has spent so much of her time focused on this art form (Seungmu) and promoting is globally. In fact if not for her efforts I doubt I would ever have had the chance to see and learn about Seungmu. Though I know the selected individual has some background, Master Kim was Master Lee number one apprentice. If nothing else it should be obvious you would selected the person Master Lee has already recognized for her skill.

All very strange, and truth be told, the current person I didn’t even know about, not even sure how much he promote the art. But after searching online (quick hard to find much) but seeing his performance even I can tell he is not as skilled.

Korean government wake up and open your eyes, you are obviously not selecting the right person for this role.

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