현재 페이지 경로

국가유산 지정예고

트위터 페이스북 구글
Penalized for global performance?!
Ceri Davies

OK all I can say WTF?! Just having found out the government’s “excuse” is that Master Kim promotes and performs Seungmu oversea and so has been penalized. WTF?!

If it was not for her effort in promoting this art form in the USA I would never have learnt about it and ignited my interest in traditional Korea culture. The last time I checked the whole point of a National Treasure is to demonstrate to the Korea and the world that Korea has unique cultural assets of value to the globe. Or is the government thinking that a National Treasure should be locked away somewhere in Korea never to see the light of day on the global stage?!

Following that thinking why not lock up all those nasty K-poor star daring to share Korea contemporary culture with the whole world. Oh yeah, that right in that case the government actively promotes it oversea with the global Changwon K-pop contest.

This all smells of a double standard within the current government , where some people and arts are celebrated and promoted, while other they try to hide. Or is it not the art but the person they are trying to silence? To any objective observers the decisions being made, and the stupid excuses been offer all look like trying to coverup internal political or corrupt practices in the government by the civil agency tasked with preserving and promoting Korean culture.

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