현재 페이지 경로

국가유산 지정예고

트위터 페이스북 구글
Strange selection of national treasure
Chi Vinh Ly

The recent selection of national treasure by the government seems very unusual. Generally I would have believed the person selected should exhibit the most skill in the art they are meant to be preserving. But yet, having seeing the performance of the currently selected individual and comparing him to who I believe embodies the dance Seungmu, I fail to see how he would be selected over Kim Myoseon? He was not even a top apprentice of Master Lee unlike Master Kim, and having seen the effort of Master Kim in promoting the art globally this decision is perplexing. I would even have say to make such a selection would be paramount to a corrupt decision due to undue influence to the government decision makers.

I would be pushing for an investigation of the department to ensure that there has not been corrupt practices in making this decision, given the recent indecent with the former prime minster I wonder if corruption is not more prevalent than we think.

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