현재 페이지 경로

트위터 페이스북
Memorial Rite to Celebrate the 614th Year of King Sejong’s Birth
Kim Min-ok
The Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea will perform a memorial ritual for King Sejong the Great for celebrating his 614th birth year on the upcoming Sunday, May 15. The ritual to pay a tribute to his great achievement and virtuous influence on his descendants will be held in Yeongneung, the royal tomb of the king and his consort, located in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do.

King Sejong (r. 1418-1450), the 4th monarch of the Joseon Dynasty, well known for his invention of the Korean script, Hangeul, is highly revered for his illustrious achievements made during his reign and considered the greatest of all rulers of Joseon.

The memorial service is performed with utmost formality. When the ritual officiants take their places for the service, they burn incense, offer wine and recite an invocation that is followed by four deep bows. On behalf of the president, Minister Chong Byeong-gug of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is going to offer flowers and incense and burn the written prayer according to the procedure. The ceremony is accompanied by royal music and dance.

Also, from May 15 to October 30, a photo exhibition is held at Jaesil, a pavilion in Yeongneung. About 110 photos that illustrate the scenic beauty of the royal tomb are to be displayed.

Visitors can join various events related to Hangeul in the royal tomb site as well, while enjoying traditional performances.

No need to pay the admission fee on May 15.
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