현재 페이지 경로

트위터 페이스북
Ilseongnok and Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives inscribed on the Memory of the World Register
Kim Min-ok
Ilseongnok, a chronicle of kings of the late Joseon period, and the Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives for the May 18th Democratic Uprising against Military Regime, in Gwangju, Republic of Korea have been registered on the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register at the 10th International Advisory Committee of the Memory of the World Committee held in Manchester UK on May 25.

Ilseongnok is the record of the kings’ activities and state administration compiled in the form of a daily journal in the late Joseon era, covering all state affairs from 1760 to 1910. Initially King Jeongjo’s personal diary, Ilseongnok was transformed into an official journal of state affairs. The royal chronicle was ultimately aimed at better administering state affairs, enabling the king to confirm and reflect on political and social circumstances of his time on a daily basis.

Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives is the documentary collection related to the May 18th Democratic Uprising which took place in Gwangju between May 18th and May 27th 1980. It is comprised of the form of documents, photos, images, etc. regarding the citizens’ uprising and compensation for victims that followed afterwards.

The Cultural Heritage Administration submitted the nomination file for Ilseongnok on March last year and the Register Sub-committee of the MOW recommended the national heritage document to inscribe on the Memory of the World Register. The Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives, which was submitted by the Nomination Committee for the May 18th Democratic Uprising Documents to the UNESCO Memory of the World, was initially recommended for inscription conditionally by the IAC’s sub-committee and fully supplemented before getting a final approval of registration.

This year the IAC inscribed 45 new documents and documentary collections on the MOW Register, which now numbers a total of 238 items. Korea‘s documents on the international register now numbers 9.
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