현재 페이지 경로

Chinese Delegation Visits Korea
Cultural Heritage Administration
<h1 align="center"><font size="3">Delegation from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China Visits Korea</font></h1>
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<div>A delegation from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China visits the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea from September 4<sup>th</sup> to 10<sup>th</sup> to discuss various issues on the preservation of the cultural heritage and visit major cultural heritage sites in Korea.</div>
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<div>The Chinese delegation’s visit is a part of the regular exchange programs conducted since 1995, in accordance with the “Agreement on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the People's Republic of China”; “Cultural Exchange Plan between the Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China”; and “Arrangement on Exchange and Cooperation in the Field of Cultural Heritage between the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of the People’s Republic of China”.</div>
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<div>The State Administration of Cultural Heritage is the Chinese government organization in charge of the cultural heritage and museums in the nation and conducts its businesses under the direction of the Ministry of Culture. This year’s delegation comprises of government officials and researchers from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Research Institute of Chinese Culture, and Jilin Province Institute for Cultural Archaeological Research. Liu Shuguang, Director General of the General Affairs Bureau of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, leads the five-member delegation and the rest of the delegation members are as follows: </div>
<li>Jiang Ling, Researcher of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage </li>
<li>Zhan Dehua, Researcher of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage</li>
<li>Shen Yang, Senior Researcher of the Historical Remains Division of the Research Institute of Chinese Culture</li>
<li>Jin Xudong, Director of Jilin Province Institute for Cultural Archaeological Research.</li>
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<div>During their visit, the Chinese delegation meets with their counterparts from the Cultural Heritage Administration, the National Palace Museum of Korea, the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage and Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. Also, in order to share the two countries’ practical experiences and achievements in the field of the preservation and management of the cultural heritage, the Chinese delegation visits the World Heritage sites in Korea such as the royal shrine of Jongmyo, Changdeokgung Palace, Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto and Janggyeongpanjeon Hall of Haeinsa temple; and some actual preservation sites including Anapji, the artificial pond in Gyeongju, the ancient capital of Silla Kingdom.</div>
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<div>China has been expanding its influence in the field of the cultural heritage, especially in the international arena. With its 33 heritages inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, China was elected to the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) in 2005 and the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006. In addition, a Chinese official was elected as Vice-President of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) last year. </div>
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<div>The Cultural Heritage Administration expects that the visit by the Chinese delegation will shore up a foundation for a future cooperation and deeper exchange between the two governmental organizations based on mutual trust.</div>
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