현재 페이지 경로

국가유산 지정예고

트위터 페이스북 구글
Change your decision Korea!
Helen Patrick

Hey Korean government please change your decision on the National Treasure for Seungmu. I would support Kim Myseong for this role, as I have enjoyed her performance of this dance in the USA many time, and have traveled around the country on occasion to catch her performances. If you must choose the current person for whatever reason (personally I thought his dance did not reflect Master Lee at all) then expand the role to more than just one person like some of the other National Treasure.Why is Seungmu the only dance with a single national treasure?

Please you need to reconsider your decision, because if you are telling the world your BEST practitioner of Seungmu is not Kim Myseong then I have no idea what video or performance you have been watching, cause it ain’t the same as what me and others from the USA are watching.

Korea the world is watching you and this decision!

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